Information Literacy Event: Reflection on National Heroes Day Commemoration, Gen Z, and Literacy

On Tuesday (07/11), Adam Kurniawan Library held an event in collaboration with Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bekasi, West Java, titled “Reflection on National Heroes Day Commemoration, Gen Z and Literacy”. The keynote speaker is Mr. Dr. Ir. Robert Pangihutan Radjagoekgoek, S.Sos., S.H., M.H., CLL., CLA., a Lecturer …

Adam Kurniawan Library Enters Top 5 Academic Library Innovation Awards

(Tuesday, 10/11) The 2023 Academic Library Innovation Award (ALIA) and Indonesian Academic Librarian Award (IALA) Competition was held by the Indonesian Higher Education Library Forum (FPPTI) West Java Region at the UPI Library. The main theme is “Upscaling Academic Library Resources as a Strategy to Navigate the Post-Pandemic Era, Digital …

Information Literacy Event: Adam Kurniawan Library X Komite President Special Needs Center

Understanding and Preventing Childhood Infectious Diseases On Friday (15/09), Adam Kurniawan Library in cooperation with Komite President Special Needs Center held an event titled “Mengenal dan Mencegah Penyakit Menular Pada Anak”. The keynote speaker is Dr. Sita Ariyani Sp.A., an expert in social pediatrics. The purpose of this information event …

Information Literacy Event: The Strategy for Submitting Your Article to an International Journal

On Thursday, 10 August 2023, Adam Kurniawan Library (AKL) held a webinar with the topic “The Strategy for Submitting Your Article to an International Journal”. This event was a collaboration between President University and Emerald Publishing. The purpose of this webinar was to give participants the strategies for submitting articles …

Information Literacy Event : Guarding Each Other from Sexual Harassment, Bullying and Cyber Hoax in Campus

“Be kind to everyone.” This is one of the keys to stop bullying as conveyed by Gia Raharja in Adam Kurniawan Library (AKL) Information Literacy Event on Tuesday, 18 July 2023. In collaboration with Saling Jaga Indonesia, the event was raised the theme “Guarding Each Other from Sexual Harassment, Bullying …

Information Literacy Event: Bilingualism and Children’s Cognitive Development

On Tuesday (25/07), Adam Kurniawan Library held an event in collaboration with Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kabupaten Bekasi, West Java, titled “Information Literacy: Bilingualism and Children’s Cognitive Development”. The keynote speaker is Mrs. Disa Evawani Lestari, S.S., M.Sc. a Lecture at President University and an expert in English subjects which …

Information Literacy Event: How to Apply for Your Library Clearance

The Adam Kurniawan Library (AKL) held an online event with the topic “How to Apply for Your Library Clearance” on Wednesday, 5 July 2023. This event was part of AKL’s commitment to spreading information literacy to its users, especially President University (PresUniv) students. Library clearance is an important point for …

Library in Action: Transforming The Librarian: Issues, Challenges, and Prospects

On Tuesday (06/06), as a follow-up to the joint agreement between the Bekasi Regency Government and President University No. 018/PU/DN/IV/2022 concerning the Development of an Academic Health System. Adam Kurniawan Library collaborated with the Bekasi Regency Government Archives and Library Office to improve the culture of literacy in the community …