Indonesia Cooperative Day

Indonesia Cooperative Day

Adam Kurniawan Library, President University – Indonesia Cooperative Day is commemorated every July 12th. The important day came into effect when the Indonesia Cooperative Congress was held, the congress was the first in Indonesia.

Cooperative Indonesia is a business entity formed and run based on the principles of cooperatives, as a people’s economic movement with the principle of kinship. Cooperative Indonesia has the main goal, namely to create welfare for the people. Cooperatives have been established since the colonial era to overcome the poverty experienced by the people at that time.

In 1908, the association of “Budi Utomo” was founded by Raden Soetomo to utilize the cooperative sector to create the people’s welfare. Then in 1915, enacted a Cooperative Act which required the cooperative budget to use Dutch and was made before a notary public. In 1929, a party was established which aimed to disseminate the cooperative spirit, the party was the Indonesia National Party.

During the Japanese occupation, a cooperative called “Kumiyai” was established, but over time, it made the Indonesia people suffer more. After Indonesia gained independence, in 1947, Mr. Cooperative Indonesia, Bung Hatta conducted the first congress in Indonesia with the establishment of the Central Organization of Indonesia Cooperatives (SOKRI).

Era of this decade, cooperatives in Indonesia are growing so that it can help its people, cooperatives also become a tool of development development in Indonesia is increasingly rapidly.


Adam Kurniawan Library as the library institution, we also want to celebrate the Indonesia Cooperative Day. To celebrate it, we already pick some movies clip.. These movies will be shown at Adam Kurniawan Library starting from July 9 to 11. Let’s check out the movie list below :

Monday, July 9th 2018

  1. Kisah Sukses Koperasi di Indonesia
  2. koperasi Pertama Di Indonesia Tahun 1896
  3. KOPINDO Masa Depan Koperasi Indonesia
  4. Peran Koperasi dalam pembangunan masyarakat

Tuesday, July 10th 2018

  1. Kisah Sukses Koperasi
  2. Koperasi untuk Hadapi Pasar Bebas
  3. Penyuluhan Koperasi
  4. Sejarah Koperasi di Indonesia

Wednesday, July 11th 2018

  1. Tata Cara Pendirian Koperasi di Indonesia
  2. Pembelajaran Koperasi
  3. Sosialisasi Hari Koperasi
  4. Jenis-jenis Koperasi di Indonesia

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