PreUni: Library Tour

On Monday (29/08), Anindya Ambar Wati, S.S.I., M.Hum., a staff of Adam Kurniawan Library delivered an orientation related to library services for the new students in the Pre-Uni event. There was also a library tour that the students attended in which they were introduced to Adam Kurniawan’s facilities and collection …

Information Literacy Event: How to Apply for Library Clearance

On Wednesday (20/7)/Monday (25/7) (01/8), Adam Kurniawan Library held an information literacy event about the process of library clearance at President University. The event was held from 09.00 until 10.00 AM with Mr. Alfonsus Oki Tindarana, S.Hum as the speaker. The event was conducted both offline (20/7) and online (25/7)(01/8). …

Collaboration News: Adam Kurniawan Library in Action!

On Tuesday (21/06), as a follow-up to the mutual agreement between the Bekasi Regency Government and President University No 018/PU/DN/IV/2022 regarding the Development of the Academic Health System, The Head of Adam Kurniawan Library, Neilany Edwina Nulampau, S.Sos., M.Si. and her staffs, David Maraharja Manullang, S. Hum. and Anindya Ambar …

Book Donation Requirement

We would to tell you the requirement for book donation. 1. The Book must be new and original one (minimum of one exemplar)2. The book must be student’s major-related3. The book can be in English or Indonesian language4. The publication year must be within the last three years5. Student must …

Library Clearance Guide

We would to share the guideline for library clearance process.1. Student give the CD thesis to library staff2. Student give donation book3. Librarian check student book donation and CD thesis4. Librarian check student’s book borrowing and fine5. Librarian do checklist student PUIS6.Librarian give student library clearance