Procedure for Sending CD Thesis

Hi Presunivers,In order to have the library clearance, student have to submit the final thesis to library.Please follow these steps:1. Student write the final thesis2. Student download additional document from Student fill the additional document and combine the final thesis into one file (PDF)4. Student send email to : …

New Opening Hours

As our support for offline learning activities in President University. Which will be starting @ 30 May 2022.Therefore, Adam Kurniawan would to inform new opening hours. Please check our new post.Please keep #5M when visiting library.Best Regards,

Webinar Refleksi 24 Tahun Pasca Reformasi: Tantangan untuk Generasi Muda

Sudah 24 tahun lalu kita hidup di alam Reformasi. Dalam perjalanan waktu ini, saatnya kita berefleksi: bagaimana generasi muda menyikapi momen bersejarah ini? Apa peran yang dapat diambil oleh generasi muda di masa Reformasi? Bagaimana generasi muda, khususnya mahasiswa mengantisipasi tantangan terhadap cita-cita Reformasi?Adam Kurniawan Library mengundang para mahasiswa untuk …

Story Telling Competition 2022

Hi Presunivers! How are you today? Hope you’re doing great! We are from Adam Kurniawan Library collaborated with Primary School Teacher Education President University and PUMA PSTE 2022. We proudly announce that registration for Story Telling Competition is finally opened!This competition will held by Adam Kurniawan Library President University. Participants Primary School Teacher Education …

Library Open For Public

President University Adam Kurniawan Library gladly announced that we are now currently open for the public, you may visit and borrow your favorite books. Our operational hour are from 09.00 until 16.00,  See you.. and do not forget to use your mask and keep your distance, because we care about …