Independence Day

Independence Day

Adam Kurniawan Library, President University – Indonesia’s Independence Day is a day that marks Indonesia as being declared independent from the Netherlands. Today is filled with celebrations and celebrations. Despite the fact that Indonesia declared its independence from the Dutch Government on August 17, 1945, it was not until 2005 that the Netherlands accepted this date as the official date for Indonesia’s independence.

Preparations for Independence Day begin long before the celebration begins. There are decorations hanging around the city with the building of the Presidential palace decorated in red and white. Organize groups of people for community service activities where the settlement area is cleaned. Environmental associations coordinate special activities for children and even ask for sponsors for gifts for children. People are asked to fly the flag at their place of residence for a certain period of time. President and address of the nation on the eve of Independence Day. There are many commissions on local TV channels that show the struggle for independence.

On Independence Day, the celebration begins with a flag-raising ceremony in the presidential palace. This is accompanied by high school students. On Sunday after Independence Day, the government held a marching band parade. Foreigners are welcomed by most Indonesians and can participate through sponsorship of other children’s activities or help fund various types of activities. On August 17, 2012, Indonesia celebrated its 67th birthday. The program saw villages, towns, and cities preparing what seemed like the biggest celebration of Independence Day that Indonesia had seen.

Adam Kurniawan Library as the library institution, we also want to celebrate the Independence Day. To celebrate it, we already pick some movies clip.. These movies will be shown at Adam Kurniawan Library starting from Aug 15 to 16. Let’s check out the movie list below :

Wednesday, Aug 15th, 2018

  1. 17 Agustus ( Film Pendek Untuk Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia)
  2. Battle Of Surabaya – Cinema 21 Trailer
  3. Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia
  4. Dokumentasi Sejarah Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia 1945 1949 (Full Movie)
  5. Film Soekarno Indonesia Merdeka Official Trailer
  6. Sketsatorial- Hari Kebangkitan Nasional

Thursday, Aug 16th, 2018

  1. Mengenang Detik-Detik Perobekan Bendera Belanda
  2. Perjuangan Bangsa Indonesia Melawan Penjajah Dari Belanda – Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia 72 Tahun
  3. Perjuangan Kemerdekaan Indonesia
  4. Proklamasi – Official Trailer Indonesia
  5. Proklamasi Dan Proses Terbentuknya Nkri
  6. Sejarah Perjuangan Mempertahankan Kemerdekaan Indonesia

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