Category: <span>News</span>

Koleksi digital Perpustakaan Nasional RI

Dalam rangka meneruskan surat edaran kepala Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Maka perpustakaan Adam Kurniawan bermaksud memberitahukan kepada seluruh sivitas akademik Universitas Presiden, bahwa Perpustakaan Nasional mempunyai koleksi digital yang dapat di akses oleh pemustaka dengan aplikasi online yaitu: 1.            iPusnas, berisikan e-book terbitan dalam negeri full-text yang dapat diakses secara gratis …

Akses SNI

Badan Standardisasi Nasional telah mengembangkan platform untuk membaca dokumen SNI secara “full-text” dan gratis. Untuk dapat mengaksesnya silahkan kunjungi website Tampilan halaman awal adalah halaman login/registrasi. Jika belum memiliki akun, maka anda harus melakukan registrasi terlebih dahulu untuk menikmati layanan ini.⁣⁣Yuk, baca dokumen SNI kapan pun dan di mana …

Library Clearance

We hereby inform you that for students who have completed their studies but have not submitted their CD to the library, that in order to get Clearance from Library, you need to:1. Submit 1 CD of the Thesis to the library and include the following scans: a. Approval Sheet (fully …

New Office Hours

Hello Presuniv,President University Adam Kurniawan Library gladly announced that we are now currently open for public. Following regulation from the Campus, please note some of rules that you need to follow: Our operational hour is 08.00 until 17.00 Please Wear your mask. Social Distancing required in the Library. Library’s maximum …

Adam Kurniawan Open For Public

Hello Presuniv,President University Adam Kurniawan Library gladly announced that we are now currently open for public. Following regulation from the Campus, please note some of rules that you need to follow: Our operational hour is 09.30 until 15.00 Wearing your mask is a must. Social Distancing required. Library’s maximum capacity …

Akses Koleksi Digital Perpustakaan Kemendikbud

Sahabat Perpusdikbud, meskipun Perpusdikbud belum membuka layanan kepada publik secara langsung, Sahabat Perpusdikbud tetap dapat mengakses koleksi digital Perpusdikbud melalui: Repositori Institusi KemendikbudLayanan informasi digital yang menyediakan akses terbuka (open-access) dan daring (online) kepada publik terkait dengan berbagai informasi dan publikasi di bidang pendidikan dan kebudayaan yang dihasilkan oleh satuan …

Free e-Resources List

Dear All, To support your online learning activity at home and ‘work from home’ experience, Adam Kurniawan Library has made a summary about some publishers who provide free access to the valuable learning and reading material you may need.Please refer to the list below: 1. Cambridge University Press:Cambridge University Press …

Digital Access to the Library of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia

Dear students and lecturers, To enrich your access to various reading material during COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Education of Culture of Indonesia (Kemendikbud) has made its library service online to let the public gain access to its digital collection, as follows:1. Kemendikbud Institutional RepositoryDigital information resource and open-access for …

Free Access to Journals and E-Books During the Pandemic Period

Good news untuk peneliti. Beberapa penerbit besar memberi akses gratis pada ebook atau jurnal-jurnal ilmiah selama masa pandemi. Silahkan cek: 1. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge University Press is making higher education textbooks in HTML format free to access online during the coronavirus outbreak. Over 700 textbooks, published and currently available … mesin slot gacor slot demo terbaru slot gacor hari ini slot gacor slot gacor gampang menang
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